Agar Ethiopia Charitable Society (AGAR)


Eastern Africa

Stakeholder Type



UTC+2 (Local time: 12:56 AM)

Office Hours
08:00 - 17:00
UN Languages Spoken


Impact Stories
Agar Ethiopia has rehabilitated, reintegrated and reunified 25,900 returnees, 19,600 IDPs 300 refugees. More than 19,700 VOTs and 7,000 survivors of violence and 7,500 children rehabilitated in the rehab centers and reintegrated to families and communities since founded in 2005.

Organization's mission

Agar Ethiopia facilitates human development through strategic partnership to improve the quality of life for elders, children, women, mentally affected people, refugees, returnees, internally displaced persons, victims of trafficking, and survivors of violence by addressing their physical, emotional and mental as well as spiritual needs; empowering them to meet their own needs by themselves.

International Legal Framework

UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)

UNTOC Working Groups

Human trafficking
Migrant smuggling

Areas of work

Human trafficking
Smuggling of migrants
PVE/Terrorism Prevention
Child labour
Crime prevention
Victim protection

Areas of interest

Human trafficking
Smuggling of migrants
PVE/Terrorism Prevention
Child labour
Asset recovery
Crime prevention
Victim protection

Skills and Expertise Offered

Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice
Connections with governmental counterparts

Skills and Expertise Needed

Advocacy, including media relations
Bringing forth/aiding judicial cases
Joint-project submissions

Does your organization engage with UNODC


Engagement type

Agar Ethiopia has engaged at national campaigns in Ethiopia. We have also implemented two small projects funded by UNV-Trust Fund

Organization work linked to UNTOC

Agar Ethiopia involved in regional CSOs forum against trafficking in the Horn and Eastern Africa. Agar Ethiopia is founder and member of Ethiopian Network Against Trafficking (ENAT) while providing direct assistance to victims of human trafficking.

Public-Private partnership initiative


We engage private companies in direct victims support (Employment opportunities, Training and National collaboration.

Is consent required to appear online


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Corruption tags

Organized crime tags

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Event description