Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)


South-eastern Asia

Stakeholder Type



UTC+7 (Local time: 5:55 AM)

UN Languages Spoken


Organization's mission

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of more than 80 non-governmental organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, LAC and North America. GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour. GAATW therefore promotes and defends the human rights of all migrants and their families against the threat of an increasingly globalised labour market and calls for safety standards for migrant workers in the process of migration and in the formal and informal work sectors.

International Legal Framework

UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

UNTOC Working Groups

Human trafficking
Migrant smuggling
Review mechanism
International cooperation

UNCAC Chapters

International cooperation

Areas of work

Human trafficking
Smuggling of migrants
Victim protection

Areas of interest

Human trafficking
Smuggling of migrants
Crime prevention
Victim protection

Skills and Expertise Offered

Advocacy, including media relations
Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice

Skills and Expertise Needed

Advocacy, including media relations
Monitoring and research
Connections with governmental counterparts

Does your organization engage with UNODC


Public-Private partnership initiative


Is consent required to appear online


Found {{responseData.found}} results
No results found

Submitted on {{timestampToDateTime(item.values['blog-entry.timestamp_s1'],'en-GB')}} by {{item.values['blog-entry.userDoc..userDocument.firstName_s1']}} {{item.values['blog-entry.userDoc..userDocument.lastName_s1']}}


Corruption tags

Organized crime tags

Found {{responseData.found}} results
No results found


Submitted on {{timestampToDateTime(item.values['calendar-entry.timestamp_s1'],'en-GB')}} by {{item.values['calendar-entry.userDoc..userDocument.firstName_s1']}} {{item.values['calendar-entry.userDoc..userDocument.lastName_s1']}}


{{utcDateToString(item.values['calendar-entry.startDate_s1'])}} - {{utcDateToString(item.values['calendar-entry.endDate_s1'])}}



Event description