Central Asia
Eastern Europe
UTC+3 (Local time: 4:02 PM)
LAR plays an important role in researching and analyzing the issues of concern related to the criminal justice reforms, with more focus on juvenile justice issues. However, public wariness raising of the population through the formation of the legal thinking is one the main priorities. LAR submits alternative reports to UN Human Rights Treaty Body mechanisms on implementation of conventions in Azerbaijan and other countries.
To contribute to the process of implementation of the legal reforms in Azerbaijan.
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Human trafficking
International cooperation
Review mechanism
Preventive measures
International cooperation
Criminalization and law enforcement
Human trafficking
PVE/Terrorism Prevention
Corruption prevention
Smuggling of migrants
Child labour
Crime prevention
Victim protection
Cultural heritage trafficking
Human trafficking
PVE/Terrorism Prevention
Corruption prevention
Environmental crime
Monitoring and research
Joint-project submissions
Connections with governmental counterparts
Sharing experiences and best practice
Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice
Joint-project submissions
Advocacy, including media relations
Connections with governmental counterparts
LAR is an ordinary member of the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
LAR is implementing the project on researching the legal and social aspects of the human trafficking problem in Azerbaijan.