Privanova (PN)


Western Europe

Stakeholder Type

Private Sector


UTC+1 (Local time: 4:54 PM)

UN Languages Spoken


Organization's mission

At Privanova, we are dedicated to harnessing advanced technologies and strategic partnerships to combat transnational organized crime and cybercrime. Our mission is to collaborate with stakeholders, facilitating information sharing, networking, and collective action within legal frameworks to address the global challenges posed by organized crime and cyber threats

International Legal Framework

UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)
UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

UNTOC Working Groups

International cooperation

UNCAC Chapters

Criminalization and law enforcement
International cooperation

Areas of work

Crime prevention

Areas of interest

Human trafficking
Smuggling of migrants
Firearms trafficking and manufacturing
Wildlife crime
Environmental crime
PVE/Terrorism Prevention
Corruption prevention
Asset recovery
Money laundering
Drug trafficking and distribution
Intellectual property crime
Currency counterfeit
Organized property crime
Cultural heritage trafficking
Crime prevention
Victim protection
Youth-led /youth-focused

Skills and Expertise Offered

Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice
Connections with governmental counterparts

Skills and Expertise Needed

Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice
Joint-project submissions
Connections with governmental counterparts

Does your organization engage with UNODC


Engagement type

Privanova engages with UNODC as a stakeholder in the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes. Privanova actively participates by providing contributions and insights to the committee's sessions, aiming to shape policies and strategies to combat cybercrime effectively. This engagement involves sharing expertise and perspectives on countering criminal activities involving information and communication technologies, aligning with the collaborative efforts to address global challenges posed by cyber threats

Public-Private partnership initiative


Found {{responseData.found}} results
No results found

Submitted on {{timestampToDateTime(item.values['blog-entry.timestamp_s1'],'en-GB')}} by {{item.values['blog-entry.userDoc..userDocument.firstName_s1']}} {{item.values['blog-entry.userDoc..userDocument.lastName_s1']}}


Corruption tags

Organized crime tags

Found {{responseData.found}} results
No results found


Submitted on {{timestampToDateTime(item.values['calendar-entry.timestamp_s1'],'en-GB')}} by {{item.values['calendar-entry.userDoc..userDocument.firstName_s1']}} {{item.values['calendar-entry.userDoc..userDocument.lastName_s1']}}


{{utcDateToString(item.values['calendar-entry.startDate_s1'])}} - {{utcDateToString(item.values['calendar-entry.endDate_s1'])}}



Event description