Research Society of International Law (RSIL)


Southern Asia

Stakeholder Type

Private Sector


UTC+5 (Local time: 6:22 PM)

UN Languages Spoken


Organization's mission

The Research Society of International Law is a private sector research and policy institution based in Pakistan whose mission is to conduct research on the intersection between international law and the Pakistani legal context. Our organizational philosophy is based on the view that greater awareness of international law improves the development of a State’s domestic and foreign policies and helps Pakistan remain compliant with its international commitments, thus solidifying its reputation as a responsible member of the international community.

To this end, RSIL engages in academic research, policy analysis and capacity building in order to inform the discourse on issues of national and international importance from a legal perspective and effect positive change in the domestic legal space. As RSIL is a non-partisan, apolitical institution, our mandate is restricted to providing legal analysis on the challenges facing Pakistan without engaging in partisanship or expressing any political biases.

International Legal Framework

UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)
UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Areas of work

Human trafficking
Smuggling of migrants
Firearms trafficking and manufacturing
Environmental crime
PVE/Terrorism Prevention
Child labour
Corruption prevention
Asset recovery
Money laundering
Counter terrorism
Countering financing of terrorism (CFT)
Anti-money laundering (AML)

Skills and Expertise Offered

Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice
Joint-project submissions
Connections with governmental counterparts

Skills and Expertise Needed

Advocacy, including media relations
Monitoring and research
Sharing experiences and best practice
Joint-project submissions
Connections with governmental counterparts

Does your organization engage with UNODC


Engagement type

Projects and consultations on an array of issues pertaining to Pakistan's criminal justice sector.

Public-Private partnership initiative


Found {{responseData.found}} results
No results found

Submitted on {{timestampToDateTime(item.values['blog-entry.timestamp_s1'],'en-GB')}} by {{item.values['blog-entry.userDoc..userDocument.firstName_s1']}} {{item.values['blog-entry.userDoc..userDocument.lastName_s1']}}


Corruption tags

Organized crime tags

Found {{responseData.found}} results
No results found


Submitted on {{timestampToDateTime(item.values['calendar-entry.timestamp_s1'],'en-GB')}} by {{item.values['calendar-entry.userDoc..userDocument.firstName_s1']}} {{item.values['calendar-entry.userDoc..userDocument.lastName_s1']}}


{{utcDateToString(item.values['calendar-entry.startDate_s1'])}} - {{utcDateToString(item.values['calendar-entry.endDate_s1'])}}



Event description